Upgrade your capacity.
Start experiencing your full impact as a leader.

Every leader is drastically underestimating what they are capable of and stunting their own growth without even realizing it.
The reality is…your capacity far exceeds your present reality.
The question is, what would you like to do about that?
Life's too short to keep saying, "but I'm trying my hardest."
I want you to escape the constant cycle of "trying harder to do better."
I work with all kinds of leaders just like you to break you out of the "trying harder" trap into exploring what you are capable of accomplishing.
Austin Walker is an Executive Coach with Novus Global, and has15+ years in non-profit leadership, working primarily with leadership teams spanning multiple locations. He specializes in guiding leaders to upgrading their true capacity in order to explore what they're actually capable of.
He has a Masters Degree in Transformational Leadership and loves working with individuals and teams. He has worked with athletes, influencers, teams, artists, speakers, founders, managers, community activists, and many others.
Known for a powerful mix of authenticity and intentionality, Austin coaches leaders to clarify a life-changing vision, identify their blindspots, and transform who they are so that they can get out of their own way and start experiencing what they're *actually* capable of. He's dedicated to propelling leaders beyond self-imposed limitations, enabling them to embrace their full potential.
Austin and his family live in St. Paul, MN. When he's not coaching, he's probably talking about college football, playing with his daughters, or trying to keep up with the latest streaming show.
Social Media Influencer
“I’m most grateful for the way Austin helped address or uproot limiting beliefs, it’s been priceless. There have been many tears on our calls that were like water to the soil of breaking new ground.”
InterVarsity Staff Member
“The regular check ins, the pointed questions from Austin, and the insight and affirmation that he provided all created the motivation and inspiration to pull out of myself the things I was too apprehensive, or again, just too lazy, to pursue.”

Get started.
Schedule a Vision Call.
Vision calls are completely free, no contract required. We'll spend 1 hour via zoom where we will clarify a life-changing vision for the next season of your life, identify blindspots that could be getting in your way, and create some initial commitments to get your vision in process.
I truly believe investing this one hour in your own leadership could open the door to stepping away from "trying harder" while upgrading your capacity as a leader.